Saturday, 2 November 2013

It Is An Honor To Be Your Big Sister

My Brother:
This is when he stopped growing in my eyes
This post is dedicated to my awesome little brother.
 Here is a little facts list a came up with, telling you all a bit about him.

5 B*tchen Brother Facts:

  1. He is tall, blonde and hansom. With green eyes that change colour (like mine).
  2. He can be the most annoying person in the world at times and will never listen to what you say. But when I'm away from him and haven't talked to him in ages, I realize that this is what makes him so special. He is determined and will stick to his guns, even when you know you're right, but he believes in him self that much.
  3. He is the most talented guitar player EVER!! He can pick up a guitar and just play around with the strings, it may sound like noise to some people but I know he is developing the most beautiful music.
  4. My brother is now 16 years and 14 days old but he still is my little brother that is in the picture above.
  5. He has the WICKEDEST sense of humor, and always uses it only for good. Whether you have had the worst day or showing him funny pictures in your nursing books, he will always put a smile on your dile. - Honestly think he should be a comedian.
There is defiantly more but I would be typing for ever and you would all just want to marry my brother. And we all know that no one touches my little brother until they have passed and completed my test. Girls you better watch your backs, cos he has me as a big sister. And I can learn how to kill :p

Now.. he has grown into a pimp :o
I love you so much little brother and please don't let my accomplishment's or anyone else's, get in the way of making yourself the best you can be. Use those people as targets and say to yourself "One day I am going to be better than you because I worked harder". You have grown into someone that I am proud to call my brother, you have your moments wee one, but you will still be amazing to your family no matter what you do.

Remember that book mum used to read to us? "No matter what", well you will always be my brother no matter what and I will always be there for you. Like when you used to hang out with me at school when you felt like you had no friends, I am always here!!

- Happy Birthday for the 19th. I hoped you liked your gifts xx

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