Saturday, 21 September 2013

Why Don't Celebrities Lock Their Car's In The Movies?

 Okay so I promised I would tell you the story of my car. I'm going to keep things short and sweet though because it is a weeh bit sad. For me anyway..

First things first... This is Alfred. He is a brown Honda Accord, born in 1985. The story behind his name is due to the fact that I am a big fan of Batman (no thanks to my mother). When I was younger I always wanted a wise, old butler like Batman's butler, Alfred. So I bought one. My car is old and he helps me by transporting me round and keeps me safe, therefore the name Alfred.

Plus, he is the coolest car ever!! He has lots of space and perfect for road trips. states that this car was "one of the most reliable cars on the US market, a position it still holds today". And I do stand by that statement as it is still working fine even after what happened to it...

This is Alfred now.

And here's the sweet short story about his boo boo:

My boyfriend and I went into town to celebrate a friends birthday. He was the sober driver, as I was drinking, and he took my car because it has more room than his car. Anyhoo, as we were driving home on the motorway, after dropping off everyone at their homes, the front tire blew and he lost control of the car. The side of the rammed itself into the concrete barrier that lies in the middle of the road. Causing these scratches on Alfred's side. - I also should add we were going 100km the whole time.

It may not look at bad but the inside damage is more extensive. I can't fix it because the cost of repairs is more than the cars worth. So I now have seven days to find a new car and buy it with the $0 dollars in my savings account. Seven days is when the WOF runs out.

Remember how I mentioned road trips before? Well this is exactly what my friend and I had organised to do this summer, road trip up to the top of the country and go to a big concert. But now tickets are too expensive or sold out and we have no car. If I don't have a car in seven days or at least the end of this year, I am going to go more crazy than I already am.

Wish me luck!!

- I am reading Fifty Shades of Grey at the moment and just read this, "Collecting my bag, I shrug on my jacket and head for the door. Out in the early evening air of Seattle, I take a deep breath. It doesn't begin to fill the void in my chest, a void that's been present since Saturday morning, a painful hollow reminder of my loss. I walk toward the bus stop with my head down, staring at my feet and contemplating being without my beloved Wanda, my old Beetle... or the Audi". It's just nice to know that even Anastasia know's what I'm talking about.


Friday, 20 September 2013

Fit For Summer

Before I get into this post I must state that I am not a girl who is a health freak or exercises like a hypo drug addict. I love food. Working in a kitchen every weekend does that to a girl. Even as I'm typing this I am eating a very cheesy, bacon, mushroom and broccoli pizza. Yet, saying this I believe every female goes through a moment of feeling heavily depressed about the way they look.

My moment normally occurs about this time, Spring. Straight after winter when you have that warm coat of "chub" which means you have to wear that old oversize knitted jersey. The one with the 'fashionable' hole in the shoulder, that's too worn out to be warm anymore. I know you know what I'm talking about!!

So I have decided to skip that stage of wearing my old over-sized clothing and instead of getting new clothes, I am making a new me. Yes everyone, I am going to get ready for this summer by going on a diet!!

Up until now the word "diet" has been a swear word in my restricted vocabulary. It's something that I don't have very much interested in because I haven't really cared enough about my weight. It hasn't been until now, that my BMI score is verging on being over weight in comparison to my height, that I have even considered the thought.

So I've decided I'm going to do a complete detox of oil by doing the 'HCG Diet'. Give myself a fresh start to healthy eating. So lots of green veges, chicken breast/steak and apples for me for the next two months. This also includes hiding all moisturizer, makeup AND alcohol in a very dark and deep cupboard.

I have already made a 'diet diary' so I can stay in control and plan everything. This also means that the cost of my groceries are going to be cheaper.

I am actually really excited!! In a month I will look like this sexy babe, all flat bellied and tanned. But still looking healthy.

I must sleep now though.

Tomorrow I will explain the comical events of how my car crashed. Stay tuned!!

Night xx

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

I Need Beach

I think the following proves that I'm not a total fat slob.

The day started like this:
Happy Hat Dance Party!!!!

My sweet little eyelids fluttered open to sun streaming through the curtains and my clock just ticking over 11.43 am. This was the first sign of things getting out of hand. Me waking up after 10.30 am on a weekday?? This does not happen.. Anywhoooo, the next sign was when I didn't get out of bed. Instead I rolled over, reached for my laptop and starting "Simming it". I think the realization that I was going crazy was the fact that I had made a verb for describing myself playing Sims. That and the "Happy Hat Dance Party" I had with jumping on my bed. This laziness had gone way too far!! I needed to get outside.

After a few more cheeky hours of Simming it. I pulled myself out of bed and into the shower. Got ready slowly and I was gone.
Now.. I was stuck with the stressful decision of where I could go that would course me to do at least a small bit of exercise. And it hit me. THE BEACH!! It was hot enough and I could go for a nice brisk walk.

How grateful I was that I had left when I did because I got to see such a beautiful sunset. I froze my little behind off but it was a lovely walk. I love that feeling when you're walking on the beach in spring where your nose and checks turn that blotchy pink colour and your eyes are frozen open, giving you that awake feeling.

Finally it had hit me, the sudden burst of energy from the fresh air and I was off!! Going mental; singing, dancing, skipping, anything that would prove to walkers passing by that I needed to be in some form of a mental institution. But I didn't care. I was like a puppy seeing their owner home from work too hyped from excitement, I couldn't be stopped.

When the cold had finally given me a headache around the ears, I knew it was time to go home. I ran to the car, still exploding with energy, and sat thinking about what this experience of laziness had taught me. Really, I was no good at it. I could be a slob for a day or too but eventually I need to be let out of my cage.

Therefore I have made myself a packed. After a big assignment or an exam I am aloud one lazy day at home doing nothing but after that I must do something productive!! This should be interesting. See how long it lasts.

Well I'm off to go clean my house. Cleaning up after my former lazy crazy self sucks but it has to be done.

Chow chow Amigo's

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

We Are Young, We Run Free!!!

Exams are finally over. Now I don't know what to do with myself!!

I think Sims 2 have been my savior. Two days straight I have been playing this game and I'm a bit scared that I may become addicted.

What's the Sims you say??
Sims is a PC game where you can create your own characterized person, called a Sim and determine there intelligence and emotional levels. The official website of the Sims further explain, "experience new intuitive creative tools to sculpt your Sims and build unique homes. Control the mind, body, and heart of your Sims". Pretty much, you are like God, and you can control these little people.

I now have ALL of the expansion packs and am really enjoying them. This is me being free.. staying in bed with my computer and the smell of microwave meals. This will only last a couple of days, hopefully, and I will be back in action and at school working hard again.

If you don't hear from me in a couple of days, please call me!!! I may be fat with square eyes.
Hopefully see you next week for a walk on the beach.


Saturday, 7 September 2013

If Stress Burned Calories, I would be a Supermodel.

According to stress is a "Mental or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increase heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression". I don't know about you but this seems like scary 'hobble cocky' that just reminds me that I am a nursing student who has an exam on Monday and is ill prepared.

Oxygenation... Fluid Regulation... Cardiovascular System... Why oh why do you have to be so full of information that may or may not be in this exam.

I think every late teen, or human in general, experiences this feeling of stress and making that one promise to ourselves that we are going to do better next time. Save the brain from going into over load, save the shaky body from the caffeinated beverages and definitely prevent those dark 'all-nighter' bags that rest under your eyes the day of the exam. Yet instead what do we do? We catch TV, eat all the food in the pantry, go to the parties because you haven't seen your friends in 'years', then freak out the week before the exam.


One does have to admit that feeling after the exam is over, is exhilarating. The small feeling of success as you hold back that one tear of exhaustion, almost giving away the sleepless night. This moment does soon sails away, followed by the feeling of oh sh*t, I hope I passed!! and back flows the "emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition" called 'Stress'.

So I am at the highly caffeinated, temperamental, freak out, zombie stage on the 'Study-Stress Chart'. Yup, just burning through the small amount of hours I have left 'til my exam. Wish me luck..

- This blog was apart of my study break.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Sweet Nothing

 This is me.
I am a nursing student at Whitireia Polytechnic. I like walks on the beach, sing to my hearts content, I would love a dog but can't afford one... What am I doing?! This isn't a dating site!!

Let's start again.
The Real Me
My name is Becci
I am hoping to continue with this blog, whether it be for jibber jabber, videos, chats about what is happening in my world or anything else I may find interesting.
I feel introductions are so cliche, and always hard to start without sound so boring. As you might know by now, I don't take many things too seriously. I study and work hard but still manage to have lots of fun!!

That is all for my intro,
