Before I get into this post I must state that I am not a girl who is a health freak or exercises like a hypo drug addict. I love food. Working in a kitchen every weekend does that to a girl. Even as I'm typing this I am eating a very cheesy, bacon, mushroom and broccoli pizza. Yet, saying this I believe every female goes through a moment of feeling heavily depressed about the way they look.

My moment normally occurs about this time, Spring. Straight after winter when you have that warm coat of "chub" which means you have to wear that old oversize knitted jersey. The one with the 'fashionable' hole in the shoulder, that's too worn out to be warm anymore. I know you know what I'm talking about!!
So I have decided to skip that stage of wearing my old over-sized clothing and instead of getting new clothes, I am making a new me. Yes everyone, I am going to get ready for this summer by going on a diet!!
Up until now the word "diet" has been a swear word in my restricted vocabulary. It's something that I don't have very much interested in because I haven't really cared enough about my weight. It hasn't been until now, that my BMI score is verging on being over weight in comparison to my height, that I have even considered the thought.
So I've decided I'm going to do a complete detox of oil by doing the 'HCG Diet'. Give myself a fresh start to healthy eating. So lots of green veges, chicken breast/steak and apples for me for the next two months. This also includes hiding all moisturizer, makeup AND alcohol in a very dark and deep cupboard.
I have already made a 'diet diary' so I can stay in control and plan everything. This also means that the cost of my groceries are going to be cheaper.
I am actually really excited!! In a month I will look like this sexy babe, all flat bellied and tanned. But still looking healthy.
I must sleep now though.
Tomorrow I will explain the comical events of how my car crashed. Stay tuned!!
Night xx
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