Oxygenation... Fluid Regulation... Cardiovascular System... Why oh why do you have to be so full of information that may or may not be in this exam.
I think every late teen, or human in general, experiences this feeling of stress and making that one promise to ourselves that we are going to do better next time. Save the brain from going into over load, save the shaky body from the caffeinated beverages and definitely prevent those dark 'all-nighter' bags that rest under your eyes the day of the exam. Yet instead what do we do? We catch TV, eat all the food in the pantry, go to the parties because you haven't seen your friends in 'years', then freak out the week before the exam.
One does have to admit that feeling after the exam is over, is exhilarating. The small feeling of success as you hold back that one tear of exhaustion, almost giving away the sleepless night. This moment does soon sails away, followed by the feeling of oh sh*t, I hope I passed!! and back flows the "emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition" called 'Stress'.
So I am at the highly caffeinated, temperamental, freak out, zombie stage on the 'Study-Stress Chart'. Yup, just burning through the small amount of hours I have left 'til my exam. Wish me luck..
- This blog was apart of my study break.
I am not procrastinating... I have to keep some form of sanity!!
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